Nov 27, 2023 | News
Hello everyone. As some of you may know if you follow the meetings or have talked to Board members, we are getting a new management company starting January 1, 2024. A letter will be coming to you shortly from the new company, Specialty Management Company. They are a smaller, local company that has been doing this for a long time and are much more reasonable without losing service. Unfortunately, Sentry Management has had a lot of problems of late and we could not continue with them. Please note that we will be transitioning our ARB online applications to Specialty Management’s system after the new year. I urge all residents to create an account with them. This will save us money on mailings if we can send email notifications to residents. Happy Holidays to all!
Mar 22, 2022 | News
Just to keep everyone up to date, the Orange County Commission voted today to lower the speed limit to 40mph on Wekiva Springs Road from Rt 436 to the Seminole County line. You will see signs changing very soon and probably quite a few police out trying to get motorists to follow the new speed.
Jan 20, 2022 | News
We had our Annual Meeting this year and made quorum. Plans to have more social events like Concerts in the Cul-de-sac and Caroling were discussed. Also, the upcoming expansion of the no parking zone at our front entrance was discussed as well as seeing about getting utility boxes repaired and utility poles cleaned. Our election of 2 board directors resulted in the addition of a new member joining our ranks. The Board held their director’s meeting after the member meeting and organized in the following: Sue Henesy, President; John Bonnie, Vice President; Aldo Tepper, Treasurer, Jerry Gilmore, Secretary; and Frank Taylor, Member at Large. Also, the Board voted in the the revised ARB guidelines that should make the mailbox requirements easier to understand.
Jan 8, 2022 | News
The Board would like to thank Brian Hastings and Tina Phillips for decorating our front entrance this year. They did an amazing job! If you have the chance to thank them in person, please do. They graciously volunteer to do this for the community and we so appreciate it.
Jan 8, 2022 | News
As you are all probably aware, Wekiva State Park will be starting their entrance renovations on January 10th. Lanes will be closed and blocked from time to time so getting around will be a little more difficult. However, we should have less blockages from park visitors once the renovations are completed. We will keep you posted with information as it becomes available.
Nov 9, 2020 | News
As we get to the end of the rainy season (and yes I know it’s ironic I’m writing this while Eta is upon us), please try and work on those projects that always get worse during the rainy season – sidewalks/driveways, roofs and sod. Just a reminder that now is a great time to pressure clean your driveway or have your roof cleaned. Also, sod installation now can result in less watering needs.