Nov 9, 2020 | News
As you may be aware by now, Commissioner Christine Moore spearheaded the installation of the new ADA sidewalk improvements along Wekiva Road. This should make the crosswalks much more accessible for residents with disabilities. A big “Thank You” to Commissioner Moore.
May 31, 2020 | News
As everyone can now see we have been successful in getting the new street lighting fixtures installed throughout the neighborhood. This should cut down on potential crime as well as limit your risk of coming upon a wild animal unawares. We understand it may take some time getting use to the new lighting pattern, but we hope that the community enjoys the benefits of this upgrade.
Mar 6, 2020 | News
Chelsea Ridge has been awarded the HOA of the Month award for Orange County’s District 2 for April. The award for March has been suspended due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. This is a wonderful honor and we are very grateful for Commissioner Christine Moore’s recognition. The meeting at the front entrance to accept the award and take a few pictures will be announced for some time in April. We will keep you apprised of the situation. If you can attend, it would be greatly appreciated.
Feb 4, 2020 | News
We have installed new sod at the front entrance. This was part of the Board’s effort to improve the common area in keeping with the rest of the development. As such, we ask that if you observe any line breaks or problems with the irrigation system, you let one of the Board members or Ramona know promptly. We don’t want the new grass to get ruined. Thank you.
Feb 4, 2020 | News
We are currently attempting to have a street light upgrade study conducted by the County and Duke Energy. The goal is to have better quality, consistent service within our community to provide a safe environment for our residents. As the process progresses we will be contacting you with information about proposed lighting changes and how that may impact your County taxes. We anticipate the change to be small, but necessary. Once the study is done, we will be coming by to get signatures for a petition which would allow the changes to happen. We hope you will be patient with us during this time. Thank you.
Apr 24, 2019 | News
Thank you to all who helped pass the Deed Restriction Amendment for 2019. As you all know, our rules need to be updated from time to time. While we are try to keep it to a minimum, changes in norms and the state legislature sometimes force our hand. We have successfully made the needed changes and we can go forward. As such we are proposing a few changes to the Rules and Regs. There is meeting June 12 at 7:00pm to address this change. Check out Proposed Rule Changes for the exact language. Please attend the meeting. We always have cookies!