Chelsea Ridge’s 2018 Fall Block Party

Come out and enjoy time with your neighbors while welcoming our new members!

Date: November 17th
Time: 3:00pm
Place: 914 Ridge Spring Court front yard
What to Bring: your favorite dish, your favorite drink and a comfy chair

The HOA will provide music, supplies, soft drinks and ice.

RSVP Sue at 407-703-4643

Video Surveillance and Updating the Front Entrance

Chelsea Ridge HOA members, we are working towards getting video surveillance at our front entrance. Currently, there are multiple members of our community with video and that has helped the community in dealing with the rare theft attempts in our neighborhood. However, we feel in an effort to further discourage criminals from targeting our neighborhood, we are attempting to get surveillance at the front entrance as well. Our Vice-President, Jerry Gilmore, is heading up this endeavor.

Also on the agenda, is drawing up new landscaping plans for the front entrance. As many have noticed our front entrance needs to be refurbished and Marybeth Kimbrell has graciously offered to direct the Beautification Committee in drawing up new proposals for the Board to approve. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Marybeth directly or you can submit your name to Ramona Leccese . Just make sure to reference that you want to join the Beautification Committee for Chelsea Ridge.

New Mailbox Regulations

Please note that we have passed new mailbox regulations for the community per the ARB guidelines. Wooden posts are not longer an option and mailboxes must be approved by the ARB prior to installation. We have had complaints about the installation of various styles and decorations on mailboxes installed when the older concrete mailboxes have degraded beyond repair. Wooden posts are prohibited as are colored mailboxes. The only color approved for new metal mailboxes is black. For concrete/stucco or brick mailboxes they must match your home in color and style and be approved by the ARB. We have pre-approved 4 styles of mailbox as a way of streamlining the process. Should you install one of the four styles, you can just submit your ARB application noting the pre-approved style and color and your application will be automatically approved. Thank you for your time.

Chelsea Ridge Wall Washed

We are glad to announce that the Wall bordering our entrance has been pressure cleaned today.  We also had the sidewalk cleaned coming into the neighborhood.  Thank you to our neighbors at the front entrance for putting up with the inconvenience today so we could get this maintenance item accomplished.

Welcome to the official blog for Chelsea Ridge HOA

We are excited to present our new website for 2013 for the Chelsea Ridge neighborhood.  We look forward to meeting you at our HOA meetings during the year.  The dates, the place where the meetings will be held and the time will be posted right here on our website.  We encourage all neighbors to be a part of the community and offer tips which will help us continue to be a great place to live.

For any changes to your property, be sure to visit our ARB page on the menu above.  Complete a “change form” and one of the ARB members will notify you promptly.  Sign up to receive periodical newsletters here as well.

See you at the next meeting!

Sue Henesy, President